Sunday, April 10, 2011

8 secrets of a perfect match with the success

Listen Richard St John, and he will gave you awesome secrets to raise the perfect success ! But because you're a bit busy, i've wrote a summary for you !

The 8 secrets are :

Passion : It's better when you like your job !
Work : Nothing come if you don't work, and work hard !
Be good : You need to practice to be better !
Focus : Concentrate on what you do, do this effitiently and rapidly by being concentrate !
Push : Don't let another judge you, be strong, and if you're not enough, tell you mother to push you, she did it a lot of time before !
Serve : You need to be proud of your work and to do it !
Ideas : It's evident ! you need an idea, and an awesome one to touch the success !
Persist : Don't let criticism annoy yourself ! Surpass it !

According to me, the most usefull secret is IDEA.

Well, I think it is my secret because everyone can success with a great idea. And i am not so different of the others, and by definition, the success is the gift when you are better than the others. So you need to be the best. Or one of the best.
The is several examples but i think the usefull are the self made men ones. During the last century there are a lot of them who appear generaly with a good idea. Take the example of Henry Ford which creat the automotile factury which already exist! But he don't just creat an automobile label, he success by have a great idea in the industry mind : the Fordism, the production in chain which is revolutionizing the industry.
This is a great example, is not it?

But this is more and more difficult to have great ideas, because all basic ideas are already found, and now, you realy need to do study the find more complex ideas in science (in a large scale : human, economic and scientific one). But i do study, so i've a chance to find an good idea !!!

But have an idea is not enough, you need all 7 others secrets to success : An example : James Dyson. He have a great idea to make revolutionnary vacuum cleaners long ago. But because of the pression of "classic" vacuum cleaner industry, which has the monopoly of the market, he couldn't be well known. But he persist, and push through this shiled and now he success, he is the main seller of vacuum cleaner in the USA and in GB!

To conclude, you need a great idea to success, but you need to not forget the other secrets !

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