Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Cultural Change by Art.

I watched the video How art gives shape to cultural change and i decide to chose one sculpture art work at 7:11.

This art appears as a sculpture on a wall. We can see a "Me" lit in white, and a "We" not lit.
This art interests me more than the other, first because i'm more able to be touch by a sculpture than by a painting, I thing the third dimension, gives us a real new content. Without listen, we can cleary see than the speech is cleary about black art and black artist. Related to this, this view gives us a great meaning : I (Me) can be a white man (lit in white), the society and the world more generally, is black, or include black people. the "We" is not lit, correspond to the society which is not only white. Black people are an entier part of our society.

According to Golden, images & art, can influence people. The fact is that ,in art, there are a lot of under meaning, which are not openly said. It makes people think about these secret meaning, and by this way, people reflect on their situation, their culture, to provide a personnal meaning which can be different for every people.
She raise the question of the place of a museum in the society. She says that a museum, beause it contains a lot of art, is a place where people can think, and reflect about the society. It can be a place where people speack each other to share their idea and maybe find answers for questions which are raise by the society. The museum can be catalyst of a more global reflection on culture.

Golden says : “Think about artists, not as content providers,.... but again as real catalysts (for change).”

I see two faces for this problem.

On one hand, we can not disociate the artist of his content. All art need to be creat and related with an artist and an art trend. In this way, the artist provides us art, and consequently, he is a content provider.On the other hand, i agree, because the power of the art, in contained in the not-openly said meaning of art, and it is the artist who can decide what he want to pain and figure, and what he does not want. The artist is not a content provider but he helps us to think about several topics, and act as a catalyst. We do not wait the ne painting of this artist like we can wait a new film, or a new book. The art need to be thought at the T time, at the present. Each art has to be placed in his time, but the reflection need to be done at the presnt.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Art for me !

For me, the art can be several things.

One part of art can be explain by the necessity for the artist or a man to show his internal pulsions. The society is more able to understand the necessity to creat, by art, things which can be the representation of the pulsions than a murder which is the basic way to achieve a pulsion.

A second part of Art can be attriuate to an other necessity : express our fellings. Sometimes, the artist is a romantic man. He needs another langage to express that which can not be express by words. The sculpture, the drawing, the modeling, can be these ways to express ourselves and our feeling without speak.

The third part, linked with the second, is the expression of other ideas. You need sculpture to describe the architecture, you need a photo to show how the view was beautiful during your trip... All kind of thing, which sometimes are not considered as art, are in fact, art. And maybe a lot of thing which i don't considered as art, is very important for you, and you think, it's an art!

But art can not be divided like that... in fact the art we see, is a mix of all these, and it's maybe the reason why, a lot of art are not understood.