Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Water Cycle

Well... Today, some of us begin to become ecologist. We are going to speak about the water cycle, to understand how can we save the water, maybe the main issue of this century.

Because it's a cycle, we need to arbitrary chose a start point!
First, a large amount of water is available in seas and oceans. Under the warm of the sun, the water evaporates and becomes invisible to us (water steam is not visible).
Then, when molecules of water are cooled by a upper cold atmosphere, they condense in big clouds.
Next, the wind pushes theses clouds over a continent. The next step is precipitations in two main ways : snow and rain. The first one when the water is under 0 degree, the other when it is over. The snow is usually store on mountains. The rain is everywhere else.
Subsequently, the precipitations are divided in two parts : surface run-off (rivers, lakes...) and ground water which infiltrate the ground.
The next stage is the return of all this water into the sea by the gravity action. Simultaneously the water in the surface evaporates(liquid to steam) or sublimates(solid to steam) in part and regenerates a bit the clouds.
Finally we are is the start point, the sea or ocean!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The best Tacos ever seen !

First let me describe what a tacos is. It is a wheat crepe, in which you find French fries, meat, and sauces. Yes, I apologies if you do a diet, but this food is for “fat” people. I mean by “fat” people, the person who like to eat fatty food, but who are not necessary fat.

You normally find it in fast food restaurant like kebab restaurant! But you will find best of them in a special restaurant : “Le tacos de Lyon” near the cathedral of “Sainte-Claire” in Grenoble.

When you command, you need to choose one of two different meat (beef, turkey, nuggets...), and one, two, or three sauces like white sauce, barbecue, Tunisian … After you need to wait a bit (about 10 min) and then you get the precious tacos !

When you bite it for the first time, it's simply a gustatory orgasm! And even more if you are starving! Classic tacos can be rate with 6/10 but this tacos, because the restaurant is specialise, is rate 10/10 bye me! And it doesn't cost so much : 4€50 is you chose only one meat, 5€50 if two! And you can drink an additional can for 1€.

I encourage you to eat there one time, to test it, and you will back there every week after because you will become tacos-addict just after your first bite !!!